About It’s All In The Lyrics: My Journey To Becoming A Home Studio Musician
Every movie has musical numbers behind the action, driving the story forward. The story has to be good enough to stand alone, but certain scenes need that extra push to fully invoke particular emotion. All at once, the viewer feels what the actors feel. The film experience fleshes out.
What if life came with a soundtrack? The nostalgia of any given period comes into perfect clarity at the mere mention of certain songs. Where we were. What we were doing. The sights. The smells. The feelings. The people. Just like in film, a song can force us to recall life’s events with clarity.
Journey with Tony Kessel as he builds the soundtrack to his life. 34 years of personal history all dwindled to a playlist containing 366 musical entries. Songs that drive meaning to particular life events. The joyous mountaintop experiences. The inevitable valleys of desperation and pain. One song at a time, he navigates the deeper meaning of life while addressing issues of abandonment and identity crisis. Will he find what he desperately seeks in the music he constantly submerses himself in?
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Learn More About The Author
Tony Kessel is a staunch music enthusiast. Over the past 40 years, he has listened to over a million songs. Through incessant dreaming, his rock star aspirations have passed him by. His debut book, It’s All In The Lyrics: My Journey To Becoming A Home Studio Musician, is an earnest attempt to recapture his lost youth and restore courage to artistic vision.
Tony serves as a full-time member of the New Mexico National Guard. He resides in Roswell, New Mexico with his wife, five children, three dogs, and red-eared slider. His home studio partner is a bearded dragon named Andromeda.