About Betrayed by Love and Family
If you know a dysfunctional family or anyone who does, they will gain learning about this one. They will find that family dysfunction differs.
Betrayal by Love and Family is a true story. It takes place in the southern part of the U.S.
It is a true story of a truly dysfunctional family, a family where the dysfunction became obvious after the father passed away.
A mother who is controlling Dana. In things like shopping and buying presents. Where and when to shop. How long. And what to buy.
A story of Jerry, a son and brother, who is very manipulative, demanding, and controlling. Everyone had to do what, when, and where he wanted. Everyone even had to eat what, when, and where he wanted to eat.
He will do whatever to get his way, including pulling a gun on Dana and being abusive to his mother.
It is a story of lessons learned. When to cut family loose. When love isn’t returned
And that being family by birth doesn’t ensure love. That kind of thing.
Dana’s story can help readers see signs of abuse and potential danger from loved ones. Knowing these signs could save a life and/or a lifetime of misery.
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DW Hunt is a Southern Author. In her book, Betrayed by Love and Family, a true story, she shares Dana’s journey in learning to manage betrayal. You will discover what a person needs to know to manage betrayal successfully. And the process to do so.