About NAMELESS Trilogy
The NAMELESS Trilogy is a collection of stories from the New Testament of the Bible. Tammy Leigh Robinson has taken the well-known stories of three women and brought their stories to life for us, by researching the time and culture when the stories took place.
In NAMELESS ~A Story of Faith, we see the woman who was sick with bleeding for 12 years. This brave woman risked her life by putting her incredible faith into action to claim her healing by touching the hem of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) prayer shawl.
NAMELESS ~A Story of Courage is the story of the Samaritan woman who met Yeshua at the well in the heat of the day, trying to avoid meeting the women of the city. Although the Bible doesn’t give us many details about this courageous woman, history books give us plenty of details about her. History records her name as well as information about her family, her life as a missionary and her ironic death as a martyr.
In the final book, NAMELESS ~A Story of Forgiveness, we read about the woman who was dragged through the streets of Jerusalem after being caught in the act of adultery. The religious leaders brought her to Yeshua for judgement. In the end Yeshua forgives her of her sin and commands her to leave her life of sin. But is His forgiveness enough for her? Can she forgive herself? Can she forgive the men who hurt her? What does forgiveness look like on a practical level?
Throughout this trilogy Tammy pulls back the curtain of the spirit realm by revealing angels and demons warring over the women, trying to influence their actions.
Walk with us as we uncover the untold possibilities of these women’s lives. Watch them pursue their dreams, coming face to face with challenges that threaten to overcome them once and for all.
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