About Delightmares
It’s 1994. Kurt Cobain has just died. Nineteen-year-old poet and ex-carnie Martin Hemlock has moved to Nashville, where he quickly befriends His Assholiness Pope Jas and Chuckie The Plague. Martin helps these two punk-rock gurus start a faux religion: The First Interplanetary Church of The Immaculate Deception. The goal is to make a mockery of all organized religions, and begs a question—is nothing sacred worth a damn?
As the church grows in size and infamy, recruiting more followers of Chuckle called Plaguists, religion turns to war on two fronts. Martin must navigate Nazis, preachers, and murderous Vanderbilt kids in Cadillacs, all while giving outrageous sermons and throwing the wildest parties imaginable. On top of all that: will Martin ever sell enough acid to make it back to Chicago?
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