DEAD DOWN EAST, a fictional murder mystery, is both detective noir and smart screwball comedy rolled into one. Jesse Thorpe, a young private investigator operating out of Augusta, Maine, receives a mysterious phone call from a former client, Cynthia Dumais. She begs to be rescued from an island south of Brunswick, within a mile of where William Lavoilette, the governor of Maine, was assassinated the night before. She insists that her life is in danger but is unwilling to provide any further information. Reluctantly, he goes to fetch her.
Fresh, witty and loaded with eccentric characters, this first novel in the series is both clever and stylish. It’s an old-school private eye tale with inventive twists and local color. If you enjoy a well-crafted and zesty narrative, lively banter, or take pleasure in the company of Mainers, you’ll love DEAD DOWN EAST.