Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
This novel, Will Danger: Conflict in the Caribbean, is the first in a series that will follow Danger from the trenches of World War 1 through many trials to an epic conclusion at the end of World War 2. I have just completed the 22nd manuscript in the series. Currently, the first five have been published on Amazon.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Will Danger: A Heroes Welcome is my most currently published book. It is a vacation story, of sorts. If you read the first four novels, you will see why Danger and the group his leads, a special operations unit known as The Family because they truly are a family, need a vacation. A vacation with Will Danger, however, won’t exactly be a day at the beach.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I suppose so. I don’t use outlines. If there is a story in me, it comes out as I write. Apparently, that isn’t very common, but it works for me. An outline would take all the joy out of writing and make me feel as if I were constrained in a straight jacket. Writing is as much an adventure for me as reading the novels are for my readers.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I love Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. I am also a fan of Stephen King. Dan Brown’s novels also fascinate me. As to my particular genre, that is more difficult. I have found it difficult to find someone who writes exactly as I do. I suppose that’s a good thing.
What are you working on now?
I am writing well ahead of where my current readers will be. The manuscript I just completed is set in 1940 and Will Danger and his special operations team, The Family, is working to get a group of Jews out of Poland before the Nazis close down the city and lock the Jews into a ghetto. In addition to all that action, Will Danger is trying to negotiate the waters of a new love interest, which is taxing him emotionally.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
That’s pretty funny. I’m awful at promoting. I’m using and I have tried Historical Reads as well as BookBub, but I’m still fishing for a successful way to get my books in front of readers.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write. A lot. All the time. And read. A lot. All the time. I like to listen to audiobooks while I drive so I get a good dose of writing from my favorite author that way.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Write what interests you. I love history, science, theology, and family, those are all primary interests for me and I incorporate them into almost all of my writing. If you are not interested in your subject, it’s awfully hard to engage your readers.
What are you reading now?
The Pianist by Wladsylaw Szpilman. It is part of the research I did for my last novel and will be part of what I’m writing down the road. I’m also listening to novels in the Pendergast series from Preston and Child.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I suppose I will continue writing this series until it is done. I have some other ideas for novels in other genres, science fiction, for instance, that might come down the road.
What is your favorite book of all time?
Tough question. I’m not even sure where to begin. I can tell you I love the Sherlock Holmes adventures. I really love the H.G. Wells novel War of the Worlds, and I like virtually everything I read from Preston and Child and Dan Brown. I suppose, picking only one novel, it would be The Stand by Stephen King, but his Dark Tower series is also great.
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