About How We Will Create Peace in Ukraine and the World (The Peace Series Book 1)
180,000 Words ✓650 Pages ✓110 Chapters ✓2 Peace Plans ✓1 Purpose — to Create Peace ✓How We Will Create Peace in Ukraine and the WorldA triumphant message for peace in our time, in all times.180,000 words of education, guidance and advice culminating in two resolute and unique peace plans, certain to create debate, reduce tensions and save lives—certain to succeed.If you believe you know all you need to about the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and between East and West, read this work comprised of 100+ informative chapters and you will know twice as much.If knowledge is power, prepare for intense and profound empowerment as Masters shares his philosophy, his psychological, sociological and political insights and the results of his two years of intense non-partisan research, which culminated in this powerful vessel for peace.Dr Masters is adamant that this book will prevent nuclear war, begin the process of denuclearisation worldwide and usher in a new era of mutual respect, self-sufficiency and agrarianism everywhere; increase independence and sovereignty everywhere, reduce dangerous ‘boom and bust’ globalisation to nothingness and allow our wearied species to heal, recuperate and grow wiser and more peaceful than ever before.This book is not a band aid, it’s not a temporary fix; it’s the operation we all need.Only those lost to hate or lacking empathy will not be stirred into action and change by Masters’ compelling arguments on such topics as the future of Africa, the expansion of the EU and NATO, the future direction of Ukraine, war crime trials, the fate of Crimea and the Donbas and the future course of mankind.This comprehensive book includes deep analysis, a detailed overview of the historic foundations of the conflict and of the many contributing causes of the on-going East/West proxy war and culture war.Pertinent aspects of the histories of Ukraine, Russia, Russian-Ukrainian relations, Europe, warfare and the Cold War are relayed to the reader for the purpose of best explaining how and why the two included peace plans came to be—their being based on the sum total of knowledge about a great many events and precedents.Masters shares his singular opinions and ideas about every issue, his views not being those of a nation or tribe or ‘side’ but rather his own personal beliefs and opinions. Speaking for himself, rather than for the USA, the EU or Russia, provides desperately needed bipartisanism and independent thinking at a time when the ‘if you’re not with us you’re against us’ mentality is suffocating populations worldwide due to an increase in fear, anxiety, taxation, inflation and the omnipresent belief that WWIII is always mere days away.Beyond the sharing of facts from our collective history, Masters employs the use of fictional scenarios, modern parables and psychologically infused philosophical musings (food for thought) in order to educate whilst increasing empathy, wisdom and mutual respect.Knowledge = power, knowledge = peace, knowledge = hope. Masters shares his knowledge and unique insights within these pages. The result will surely be the empowerment of all who read these words and, as a result, the ending of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine and a lurch towards peace and good relations between the nations.You may think you know Russia and Russians; you will only know them after you have read this book.You may think you know everything there is to know about the current conflict; you will know twice as much about the conflict after you read this book.You may think that the only solution to this conflict is to build more weapons and to forge more unions—you will think very differently after you read this book.
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Learn More About The Author
Dr Masters is a prolific author, campaigner, psychologist and eternal optimist who has written over 50 books spanning multiple genres, both fiction and non-fiction, as well as sociological and psychological works, including many soon to be released.
His heart, love of humanity, wry British sense of humour and desire for social improvement and justice are felt throughout all of his works of fiction, whilst his love of civilisation, of peace, of order and of culture and nation is expressed vividly throughout his works of non-fiction.
Bruce spends a great amount of time in the pursuit of fixing problems with his chosen method of helping being the production of useful guides, which are products of his vast knowledge, even vaster experiences (having lived on two continents, three nations, been a factory worker, soldier and farmer) and decades of research and deep pondering, with many of his works, as a result, having a personal, optimistic and unique feel.
When not researching, thinking and writing relentlessly, Bruce, who is neither a public figure nor a celebrity, leads a quiet life with his family and is thankful for having the drive, knowledge and will required to birth so many unexpected, empathy-multiplying, insightful and hopeful political, psychological, and sociological works.
If you love freedom of speech and people power; if you desire independence, self-reliance and honesty; if you support democracy and law and order and if you highly value honour, duty, pride and stoicism but hate fence-sitting and cancel culture—these are the books for you.
Bruce’s books are very much like Marmite: You will either love his unapologetically bombastic and forthright ‘tough love’ writing style and his leadership-heavy political and social critique and musings or you will absolutely hate these things.
Yet one thing is for certain; you will not be bored as entertainment in addition to a roller coaster of education intermingled with opinion is guaranteed from beginning to end.
Why Bruce Will Never Sue Those Who Infringe His Copyright
The reasons are many:
1/ He would be a hypocrite if he did because in One Election Please… How J.K. Rowling Bought British Politics, Hid Her True Self and Hoodwinked the World — an Unauthorised Biographical Exposé he scolds the subject of that robust biography for doing exactly that. Bruce is many things, but a hypocrite? Never.
2/ In his words, ‘There is plenty of money to go around. How much money do I actually need? I know it is hard to resist the urge to be greedy; however, when we choose to share, the reward is far greater than any vault of soulless gold.’
3/ Bruce also refrains (in perpetuity) from initiating lawsuits and court cases due to him seeing such behaviour as divisive and not in the spirit of community.
4/ Bruce’s works, as unusual and unexpected as some of them may seem, contain positive universal messages—they will cause you to think, to empathise and to view the other side of the coin. For this reason, he doesn’t wish to stifle his message, which means he is more than happy for others to profit from spreading it in any language, in any nation, in any format; this will never change. Sometimes, on rare occasions, everyone wins.
Bruce politely requests that his books are not changed, edited or altered in any way if/when they are reproduced by third parties.
To ensure you are reading Bruce’s original words, he recommends obtaining authorised copies only, to guarantee authenticity.
information relating to authorised outlets/vendors is available on his website.
Books by the Author
The Peace Series:
Book One How We Will Create Peace in Ukraine and the World
Book Two Five Ways to Create Peace in the Middle East
Book Three Make America United Again: The Trump-Harris Co-Presidency 2024 – 2028
Book Four Plan C: Mutually Assured Survival
The 33 Essential Questions Series:
Book One The Truth at Last! 33 Essential Questions for Conspiracy Theorists
Book Two The Truth at Last! 33 Essential Questions for Elon Musk
Book Three The Truth at Last! 33 Essential Questions for Prince Harry
Book Four The Truth at Last! 33 Essential Questions for Greta
Book Five The Truth at Last! 33 Essential Questions for Prince Andrew
The UnWoke, Anti-Hate, Anti-Guilt Series of Books:
Book One Wokeism Is Crumbs from the Table of Globalist Elites
Book Two Wokeing Kills
Book Three Voluntary Taxation and Capital Punishment: For a Just, Equal and Corruption-Free Society
Book Four Escaping the Cult of Guilt: The Dark Side of Charity and NGOs
Book Five Defeating Fentanyl
Book Six Ending the Migrant Crisis in Europe: Preventing Class Wars, Race Wars and the Destruction of the EU
Book Seven The Sudden and Unexpected Multiculturalisation of Mayfair, Kensington and Belgravia — Which Ended Mass Immigration and White Flight in the UK
Book Eight Globalisation, Mass Immigration, Wokeism and Multiculturalism on Trial
The Rowling Trilogy:
Book One J.K. Rowling In: It’s a Kind of Magic
Book Two How Not to Get Sued by J.K. Rowling
Book Three One Election Please… How J.K. Rowling Bought British Politics, Hid Her True Self and Hoodwinked the World—an Unauthorised Biographical Exposé
69 Excuses to Drink Alcohol and 1 Reason Not To
The Rule of Ten — How Prince Andrew Came to Be Exiled to Switzerland
The Continuation of the Origin of the Species
The Folly of Colonising the Stars: The Final Nail in the Coffin of AI and Space Colonisation
The Führer of Asperg: A New Understanding of Fascism, Autism and the Third Reich
The M25 Solution — The Creation of the Republic of London
The Lord of Purgatory
Adrian Mackintosh: Agent of Karma
The Man in the Panama Hat
You Have the Power
The Soul Exchange
Russell Brand: False Prophet
David Lammy on the Run – A Political Comedy Adventure
The Fall and Rise of a Comedy Legend!
Running Clear — How David Defeated Depression
David Lammy Still on the Run
Noise Pollution Kills
The Christ Conspiracy, aka The Rise of the Light Triads
Vladimir Putin: Predestination + Zelenskyy
The Lord of Purgatory
The Political Lottery
Never a Beggar, a Borrower or a Lender Be