Retired detective Tobias “Swede” Atkins is in for a rollercoaster ride. Battling post-coma challenges, a perplexing ex-wife, and accusations of arson, his world spirals into a tangled web of suspicions and doubts. As he navigates a town on the edge of chaos, a woman’s desire to turn a restaurant into a battleground unravels a historic murder and concealed secrets fanned by the mountain’s fiery whispers. Swede discovers the past haunts the present and truth is as elusive as mountain winds.
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Learn More About The Author
J. Thomas “Tommy” Witcher has been writing since the age of 10 when he discovered the magic of words both in prose and poetry. Gathering knowledge and ideas from his varied life as an Air Force brat, U.S. Marine (Purple Heart recipient in Vietnam) and police officer, he has further broadened his horizons in the past few years as an actor in several productions with the Henry Players in McDonough, Georgia.
Educated and reared in England and Georgia, with Marine service in Vietnam, the Mediterranean and the Caribbean, he has a truly cosmopolitan view of life.
Tommy is happily married and lives in Cleveland, Georgia.
contact Tommy at jthomaswitcher@gmail.com