About The Quantum Entanglement Party: Adventures of the Miso Mice
Oh no! The treasure chest and magical button are gone! Did the nefarious Lobsta Clamdestino steal them? Without them, will the Miso Mice be able to complete their quest to find The Answer Book? Explore more of their crazy and magical adventures as the Miso Mice attend a very entangled party, receive the rare gift of Tem-E-Laks, and then go timewalking! Enjoy the next fantastical volume in the “Adventures of the Miso Mice” 5-star acclaimed series.
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Annette Czech Kopp is the author of the 5-star acclaimed “Adventures of the Miso Mice”, the first in a series of fantasy & metaphysical novels. Annette is also the editor of the Kopp Chronicles series of Amazon & Goodreads 5-Star novels which have been nominated for Reader’s Choice Awards, Goodreads Choice Awards, and numerous “Cover of the Month” & “Book of the Day” Honors. The novels have received a glowing review and featured “First Lines” in “Publishers Weekly”, an international news website of book publishing and bookselling.