About Third Eye: The Simple Guide To Awaken Your Pineal Gland, Psychic Awareness, More Mind Power & Spiritual Enlightenment – Awaken Your Third Eye Chakra With … Techniques For Higher Consciousness
Start Awakening Your Third Eye Now And Download This Great Book Today! Available To Read On Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad or Tablet!
Are you stressed out in life and need to find a way to enjoy yourself and be in the moment? Have you heard about the third eye, but don’t know how to activate it and experience all of it’s benefits?
This book is for you!
Benefits of Awakening The Third Eye are…
More happiness
Having a better chakra
Gaining psychic awareness &
Spiritual enlightenment
Being more vibrant and more attractive!
And much, much more!
Awakening the third eye is a method that has been practiced by ancient monks for thousands of years and is yet to be fully understood. But certain techniques have been proven to be the most successful over the last centuries and have helped many people opening their third eye. These techniques will be explained in detail through out the book for you to experience the same amazing mind power people have described before!
The process of awakening the third eye is not done over night though and reading this book will not do anything for you if you don’t take action and actually follow the steps explained in this book. It required discipline and willpower to achieve higher consciousness which will take your life to the next level.
Here Is A Preview Of What’s Included…
Why you should awaken your third eye
How to awaken your third eye
The practice of third eye meditation
The benefits of sun gazing
Collaboration with crystals
A simple 21-step guide to awaken your third eye
And the list goes on!
By the time you finished reading this book, you should have a good understanding of how to awaken your third eye. You will gain more psychic awareness and spiritual enlightenment!
By buying this book, you will be able to find happiness from within and see the world with a new eye!
If all this book did was help you gain more mind power and live a worry free life, would it be worth it to you?
Get your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button above!
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Learn More About The Author
Linda Green is an accomplished author who loves helping people in different ways. People who have problems dealing with their fears, crippling anxiety and depression have often gone to seek solace and peace of mind from Linda.
People who live their lives in darkness and fear are abundant in our society today. Linda aims and hopes to be able to shed a little light on the lives of people who need it the most. She has dedicated her life to finding ways to lend a hand to troubled souls, for them to lead better and richer lives. Being able to enrich the lives of people around her is something Linda has done as part of her self-development.
A woman of varied interests, including modern art and sports, Linda enjoys jogging, playing tennis and other sports as well. Being a mother to three beautiful children, she was able to share her interests and her enlightened view on life with them as they were growing up. Family is an important part of Linda’s life and she is not ashamed to share that fact whenever it comes up.
Through the years, she has lived a minimalist life, focusing her attention to self development and life mastery. Linda has learned to de-clutter her life as the first step in her journey to self-development. This has made her more conscious of the world around her and how rich life can be if we learn how to appreciate the little things, which are usually more important in life.
Her personal and family life is centred on happiness, spiritualism and the importance of living a healthy life. Being able to share these relevant life values to her family, friends and the people around her gives her own life purpose and meaning.
Through learning about the principles of psychology and meditation, she has reached a level of awareness most of us are trying to achieve. Learning about people’s behaviours through psychology has helped Linda understand people more. This then helped her be more effective in reaching out to people and knowing exactly how to help them deal with negative issues and feelings.
Learning meditation, on the other hand, has helped Linda find her center and inner calm. Meditation helps quiet the damaging emotions one feels when troubled, something Linda has learned to do in order to help others find a more positive perspective in life.
To be able to find more meaning and purpose, Linda has dedicated her life to helping other people reach a level of awareness and positivity which will allow them to help themselves. Self development is an important value she tries to get others to learn. This is one of the first steps in being able to find a better, happier and richer life.
As the author of books such as Minimalist Living and Third Eye: The Guide To Awaken Your Pineal Gland, Linda Green has reached a wide audience of people to start learning how to help themselves.